Haastattelussa Memphis-räppäri GBA Koke. Hän on Tennesseen Memphisistä kotoisin oleva räppäri sekä Manson Family -räppiryhmän jäsen.
- What’s up, GBA Koke? How are you today?
I’m good.
- What’s your background?
I’m from Memphis, Tennessee. I was born in a hospital in Memphis and went to school in Arkansas and Tennessee. I represent the Southside of West Memphis. Arkansas is a small town across the Mississippi River from Memphis. I chose the streets over the scholarships. I came up off N.W.A. and Geto Boys. My favorite rapper is Biggie. I stayed in Germany from the age of 4 to 8. My dad was in the army in Aschaffenburg when the wall was still up.
- Can you tell us a little bit about your background in music?
I’m from the group Manson Family. I’ve worked with Kane and Abel of No Limit, Mo B. Dick, Beats by the Pound, Indo G, Tom Skeemask, DJ Squeeky and Lord Imfamous of Three 6 Mafia. My music is real neighborhood trap music. The streets and gangsta rap inspired me.
- What is your songwriting process?
I write high. I never write sober.
- Do you remember what equipment you used to create your first track?
I don’t know. My partner was making beats at the time.
- What is the story behind your stage name?
GBA means Guilty by Association.
- How was the recording process for your album ‘I Am Koke’?
It’s my first project in about 10 years. I got wrapped up in the streets until my brother Lil Jack convinced me that I still had a fanbase and it was money to be made.
- What inspired you to make the song ‘Blood Sacrifice’?
Some bullshit with another artist. I won’t say no names. It’s all good until it isn’t.
- What can you tell us about your upcoming project with Lil Jack?
It’s going to be epic. Go and get it!
- Any secret releases or collabs you can let us in on?
Just be on the lookout. I got few projects going on.
- What are your interests outside of music?
Coaching. I want to coach my daughter in whatever she excel in.
- Anything else you’d like to share?
Be on the lookout for my upcoming project ‘Inebriated’ with Lil Jack and my other projects.
- Thank you for your time! We look forward to all your new projects!
Thanks for having me!
Haastattelu: J-P / Fileerausveitsi