Detroit-räppäri Eshamilla 3 uutta albumia valmiina!

Detroit-räppäri Esham antoi vähän aikaa sitten haastattelun Underground Nation Magazinelle, jossa hän kertoo, että hänellä on 3 uutta albumia valmiina odottamassa julkaisua. Lue pätkä haastattelusta alapuolelta.

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Underground Nation Magazine:

UGN: When can fans expect the next solo LP from Esham?

Esham: I mean, I got like three albums done. Like right now!


Esham: I got some crazy material man, that’s all I do is record! You know think Prince had a vault. But actually I have so much material that it’s like, I don’t even think are people ready for me to put out an album, because I don’t think people are into taking in music the same way 20 years ago. Yeah, putting albums might have been the thing, but now people are just digesting music in such a different way, I don’t know if they even ready for an album, from me. Like there’s gotta be a real reason for me to put out an album out. But maybe it might just be time! I ain’t even heard of anyone new fresh enough for me to put an album out! Like all this shit that’s been coming out has been just kind of a reboot to something else. Its almost like the reboots of Halloween. Who wants to see another Halloween reboot. Know what I’m saying?! Like they can’t think up some new shit! I’m not waiting but I’m just like, to me when people say, “E, we need you to put an album out!” I feel that in my heart and then I’ll put it out. But I already got albums made right now. They ain’t ready. They don’t appreciate albums like that, to me. So I don’t feel like that people are appreciative enough for me to put an album out. But I got an album! Yep! I keep wanting to, but nah, they ain’t ready for it!